Markets, brand & target groups
We show you what potential the market has, find your brand positioning in the competitive environment, describe your target group or measure the perception and image of your brand.
Innovation & Product
Competitive pressure, changing customer needs and changing framework conditions make innovations, new products and further developments necessary. Go or NoGo? We provide you with the data-based decision-making basis
Together with you, we develop and review your communication strategies and advertising media and examine their advertising impact. As an ad-hoc or tracking study. As a pre- and post-test.
Whether it's the frequency of use of advertising media, media usage (usage patterns), reach or measuring the potential of new media products - we examine and analyze your measures.
Price is the decisive lever for the profitability of a product. Price perception and price communication play an important role in this. We help you to find the optimum price.
Trade fairs, congresses & events
Digitalization requires a reorientation of communication and sales instruments. We examine and analyze the impact of your live communication. Whether you are an organizer, exhibitor or sponsor.